What do you believe in when belief itself becomes impossible? - pt. .5
Belief in anything has become unfashionable and for understandable reasons. Our institutions regularly fail us and provide no vision for the future. We lack imagination, and that lack of imagination is an unknown known that we live with daily.
Every movie or tv show is a remake or sequel. Musical genres become entirely redundant within a matter of weeks after a big release. The technical fields are saturated with people performing cloned work of others. Leaders seek to channel the energy and message of previous leaders literally, refusing to acknowledge that the present day is different from prior eras.
For someone sincerely wanting to believe in something - what would they believe in?
I contend that there are no answers today. I will exclude religion today for the sake of our disability to prove or disprove any certain religion. In full transparency I think that religion is one of the things that maintains the capacity to humanize in the context of an increasingly digital and distanced society.
Political leaders eschew real responsibility. I believe that the impending capital and climate crises are the overarching problems of our time. No one is taking responsibility.
Climate - don't use straws. Recycle. Please drive less. Don't use aerosol sprays. All while executives fly frivolous trips across the world in low capacity flights, corporations ship cheap plastic goods from the third world across the ocean to later end up in landfills, and auto manufacturers lie about emission data.
Capital - Biden says that he's a strong defender of capitalism while refusing to acknowledge the problem of intellectual property in the 21st century. 'Marxists' (the cheap modern variant) complain of social ownership of capital - what capital? If the labor force owned all of Google's warehousing space and hardware, you'd own a small fraction of the business proper.
We're stuck in a bygone age. We have no option but to build new systems that the average person can believe in.
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